
Jon Ståle Ritland is a poet and ophthalmologist from Norway. His first collection of poetry Kroppsvisitasjoner (Aschehoug, 2004) was translated to English [Body Searches] and published by Broken Dimanche Press in 2013. He has also published two more collections of poetry, Vannmerker [Watermarks] (Aschehoug, 2009), and I bane rundt en gul ball [in orbit around a yellow ball] (Olympiastadion 2014), and the essay Når det biokjemiske språk inntar litteraturens kropp [When Biochemical Language Enters the Body of Literature] (OEI, 2009). Ritland's poems have been presented at Copenhagen Art Institute (2012), Agora, Berlin (2013), Oslo International Poetry Festival (2014), StAnza Festival i St Andrews, Scotland (2015), and Poetry International Festival Rotterdam (2016).

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